Benefits of Hair Transplant for Hair Loss

Women cherish and maintain their hair more than men. And therefore face more psychological impacts once they start losing them. Hair loss is common among men and women, but women's hair loss problems are often ignored compared to men's. One of the major reasons for this is thinning hair, rather than visible bald patches. However, women face more dire psychological consequences in this situation. The societal pressure to look a certain way is what has a heavy influence on women’s minds.

DMC Trichology, which provides the best women hair transplant in Delhi, explains that the advancements in the modern hair transplant industry have given rise to good hair restoration and transplantation techniques. The clinic also uses such techniques, and many women have benefited from them.  

Reasons for Hair Loss Conditions in Women

A hair transplant is the best way to restore hair and self-esteem, regardless of the factors triggering the condition. There are multiple factors triggering the situation, which include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Accidents, overwork, illness, injuries, pregnancy, childbirth, and emotional disorders cause physical stress. 

  • Taking birth control pills in excess. 

  • Hormonal imbalances that occur during pregnancy. 

  • Nutrition-deprived diet. 

  • Scalp infections, including fungal infections and ringworm. 

  • Excessive hair coloring and styling. 

  • Hereditary. 

  • Smoking. 

  • Medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome and anemia. 

  • Deficiency of vitamin B in the body. 

  • Aging

Identifying Female Pattern Baldness

The severity of female pattern hair loss is identified on a scale of 1 to 5. With 5 being the most critical scenario, 1 being general thinning on the front and the crown area, and 2 being diffuse thinning. 3 is common in male pattern baldness. At the same time, scarring alopecia is grade 4. When one reaches grade 5, the doctors recommend surgical procedures. 

Thus, women with grade 1 alopecia are not recommended for surgery as it is only a global thinning of the hair. However, the situation gets concerning when it reaches grade 4, and the hair loss condition occurs due to genetic and clinical problems or even traumatic scarring. Women hair transplant cost in Delhi may vary depending on the clinic. 

The procedure of Hair Transplantation for Women

The hair transplantation process for women is no different from that of men. Nevertheless, the options available for hair restoration depend upon the specific requirements; the resulting quality and technique’s efficacy follow the specific requirements of the patient. These factors help provide the best possible and most suitable services to the patient. The further hair transplant procedure involves steps as follows: 

  • Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of the scalp using tools after applying anesthesia. 

  • The extracted follicles are put into a saline mixture to boost their vitality. 

  • The follicles are transplanted on the hair-thinning areas. 

Benefits of Hair Transplant in Women?

FUE is the most popular hair transplant type in Delhi, as it reaps various benefits for the patient. Some of the benefits are given below: 

  1. No scarring
    If the hair transplantation is done in the FUE method, the patient will see no scar. Unlike the FUT method, where complete strips of skin are removed, FUT individually harvests each follicle and implants them into the recipient area of the scalp. Thus, leaving no scar in the process. 

  1. Less Pain
    The FUT method leads to massive pain due to the complete skin removal from the donor area. The method is painful as well as scar-prone. FUE, on the other hand, leads to less pain as individual follicles are harvested and implanted simultaneously. Further, local anesthesia is used so the patient doesn’t feel anything during the process. 

  1. Healthier Hair
    FUE ensures the survival of 90-95% of grafts compared to FUT grafts, where only 75% survive. Therefore, one gets fuller, thicker, better-quality hair. And, due to less trauma, the scalp recovers quickly.  

  1. Low Infection Risk

A hair transplant is an overall less risky operation. However, the more invasive the surgery is, the more susceptible it is to infection. In FUT, since complete strips of the skin are removed, it is more invasive than FUE, where single follicles are extracted one by one, leading to less bloodshed.

Fast Recovery 

FUE performed by the experts ensures faster recovery than FUT. The doctor will prescribe certain medications like painkillers, antibiotics, etc. However, it heals fast. The healing time for FUE is 4-5 days. Whereas in the case of FUT, it can take up to 2 weeks.

Hair loss gravely impacts women way more than it impacts men. Some hair loss issues can be fixed with non-surgical methods. However, some conditions, like scale 4 female pattern baldness, require hair transplantation. DMC Trichology is the best clinic for women's hair transplants in Delhi. With the latest technology and a team of experts, the doctors perform 100% successful surgeries.

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